Liquid, dry, bulk, containerised, perishable, dangerous – there is no end to the variability of cargoes and no science textbook can claim full coverage of all parameters, qualities and conditions of carriage. Yet shipping exists to enable the movement of cargoes with regulations and aids in a forever catch-up position.
As a correspondent and surveyor for P&I clubs and fixed premium insurers, we are often tasked with establishing extent, cause and cost of damage to cargo and later on settling a claim. By virtue of sheer volume, cargo work is often called routine, though it is rarely routine with even the smallest containerized cargo cases, especially to a client who is a small starting feeder operator. We carry on our ethos of work no matter the size.
Our most extensive experience is with those cargoes traditionally traded in our areas inclusive of oil, steel, grains, scrap, ores and concentrates, fertilizers, timber – to name a few. We also enjoy exclusive relationships with a number of container line operators for their survey work in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria & Turkey.